We’ve moved!

How Vegan Travel became The Vegan Travelers.

As you may know, we blog not only in English, but also in German and Spanish, to reach internationally as many people as possible. To be as easy as possible to be found on Google, we decided to name our blogs simply www.vegan-travel.org, www.vegan-reisen.org and www.viajar-vegan.org.

Because of the different names depending on the language, we needed three facebook pages and also three YouTube channels. In the course of time, however, we questioned the sense and time required to translate each video and upload it three times. We also noticed that these names were quite impersonal for such a personal blog and that we were also lacking in recognition value.

We began to sign messages with “Ron & Chantel, the vegan travelers” and also introduced us more and more often like that. Because that sounds much better than “Ron & Chantel from Vegan Travel”. And as awesome as we find .org addresses, we just wanted it to be even a bit more international and universal. 😉

Well, and so came the idea to rename us in “The Vegan Travelers”. Thus we checked whether our desired domain www.the-vegan-travelers.com was still available and actually: Yay, it still was! This also solved our problem with the several facebook pages and YouTube channels. We will continue to blog in all three languages ​​at www.the-vegan-travelers.com/en, www.the-vegan-travelers.com/de and www.the-vegan-travelers.com/es, however, there will be only one facebook page and one YouTube channel for all, namely: The Vegan Travelers! 🙂 These will, of course, be trilingual.

All “old” links still work until the end of the year, until then everything should be saddled. The videos itselves will be from now on in English, as this is simply the language of the travelers and also the most spreaded worldwide. The video description (or infobox) we will, of course, translate.

We are very happy and hope you like the name. 🙂 To many more vegan trips!
Chantel & Ron
The Vegan Travelers ♡

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