How to Get to Gili Islands from Bali

How to Get to Gili Islands from Bali

The famous, paradise-like Gili Islands consist of the three small islands Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air in the northwest of Lombok, Indonesia. You might also have heard of the “Secret Gilis” in the south of Lombok. That’s because basically, “gili” just translates to “small island”. Anyway, in this article you will read about three different ways of getting to Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air from Bali. Continue reading “How to Get to Gili Islands from Bali”

Where to go in Winter? 13 Sunny Destinations for Cold Days

Where to go in Winter? 13 Sunny Destinations for Cold Days

Every now and then, someone in our travel group on Facebook asks for warm holiday destinations for the winter. Because while temperatures in Central Europe have already dropped to single-digit levels, elsewhere in the world it is still comfortably warm and the days are noticeably longer. And you don’t even have to travel far away – there are so many sun paradises awaiting you right around the corner! We’ll reveal our favorite winter destinations within and outside Europe. Continue reading “Where to go in Winter? 13 Sunny Destinations for Cold Days”

Canaries Guide: Which Canary Island is the Best?

Canaries Guide: Which Canary Island is the Best?

The Canary Islands, also known as the Islands of Eternal Spring due to their year-round mild climate, are among the most popular holiday destinations in the world. However, apart from the weather and their volcanic origin, they have little in common, because each of them has its own charm. As much as the islands differ from one another, the more diversified is it to visit them all. For those who don’t have that much time, here’s a comparison. Continue reading “Canaries Guide: Which Canary Island is the Best?”

Tunis & Carthage: Capital and UNESCO Ruins

Tunis: View from the Place du Gouvernement to the medina

With 1,056,247 inhabitants, Tunis is not only Tunisia’s capital, but also by far the largest city in the country. But that’s not all: In the ranking of the most liveable cities it occupies the 1st place in North Africa. The Medina of Tunis from the 9th century has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979. Just like Carthage: Today, the former city of antiquity is a suburb of Tunis and attracts numerous tourists every year to its archaeological excavations. Continue reading “Tunis & Carthage: Capital and UNESCO Ruins”

Egypt: General Information & Tips

Egypt: General Information & Tips
Everything you need to know

You are planning a trip to Egypt or you are already there? Well, there are some things you should know. We’ll answer all your questions from “Do I need a visa?” and “What should I watch out for?” to “How do I get mobile internet?” and give you additional tips based on the experiences we’ve gained in 9 weeks of backpacking through the land of the Pharaohs. Continue reading “Egypt: General Information & Tips”

Our Best – and Worst – Accommodations in Egypt

Our Best - and Worst - Accommodations in Egypt

Egypt is definitely an impressive, surprising and overwhelming country. Just as extremely different – in a positive and negative way – as our memories of the Pharaonic country are, was our experience with the accommodation on site. We checked out everything from a noble 5-star hotel and a water park resort, guesthouses and hostels to a completely dirty and shabby 5-dollar-hovel! Here you can find out which places we can recommend – and which ones not at all. Continue reading “Our Best – and Worst – Accommodations in Egypt”