Llanes: Paradise Bay

After our trip to the Picos de Europa (mountain range and the second largest national park in Spain) we drove back to the coast to the beautiful Llanes, which has enchanted us with its beautiful old town and cove.

Puerto de Llanes
Puerto de Llanes

The coastal town with around 14,000 inhabitants is located in the center of Santander and Gijón. We started our visit at the port, which centrally splits the old town and is connected to the sea by a canal.

From there we headed to the former casino, which was built in 1910 and is a cultural center today. Past the town hall we came to the Basilica of Santa María del Conceyu, which, however, is not really special. The preserved city wall partly dates back to 1206.

So we decided to go to Playa del Sablón, which turned out to be the most beautiful bathing bay of our Europe trip so far. Unfortunately, the temperatures were still a little too low to jump into the crystal clear water.

Instead, we looked at it from above, from the Paseo de San Pedro, a beautiful path above the cliffs with views in all directions. For whom the Playa del Sablón is too crowded in the summer, maybe the Playa De Toró a little out of town is an option.

On the way back to the car we stumbled over the Cubos de la Memoria by the Basque artist Agustín Ibarrola.

Oh Llanes, we’ve enjoyed you so much, we will definitely come back again at warmer temperatures!

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